Back to New Mexico

Earlier this week, I attended a conference in New Mexico and Sarah joined me on the trip. It had been over six years since we had spent time together in the Land of Enchantment, so we were quite excited to go.

As soon as we secured a rental car, we drove to a tumbleweed-choked spot on the outskirts of Albuquerque in search of a Crissal Thrasher that Sarah had scouted online. We quickly located the bird when it perched on the fence and green electrical boxes above.

Next, we drove north and checked into the picturesque Hotel La Fonda, which also hosted the conference in Santa Fe.

I gave a talk in this ballroom, which was definitely the best-decorated space in which I have ever spoken. Look at that crazy light fixture!

I loved the all of southwestern imagery in the hotel, including this painting of pueblo clowns in our room.

While I attended the conference, Sarah explored Santa Fe, where everything is adobe, even the ATMs.

On Thursday and Friday, we visited my old graduate research stomping grounds around Albuquerque.

It was extremely windy and dusty,

but we found many birds, including a Great Horned Owl whose nest is in the upper right corner of the photo above.
On Friday afternoon we left the blue skies and yellow grass of New Mexico for the gray and green of Portland, happy to be home but looking forward to our next trip.


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